Economis IAS Current Materials GS III 2020
Elephant Bond- high level advisory constituted in sep 2018 for
suggestion to improve India’s trade, come up with significant
recommendation to tackle menace of black money.Chaired by economist Dr Surjit S Bhalla , ask govt to
allow people to declare undisclosed income with mandotry condition to invest
50% in a govt bond, which should be utilised only for insfracture project.
India moved up one place to rank 43rd
most competitive economy in world in annual competitiveness ranking compiled by
International Institute for Management Development position in 2018 is 44.
Reserve bank of India constituted a task
force to suggest policy and regulatory intervenion required for development of
secondary market in corporate loans . officaly name- TASK FORCE OF THE DEVELOPMENT
OF SECONDARY MARKET FOR CORPORATE LOANS. Six member body headed by Canara bank
chairman TN Manoharan. Recommendation on- development on secondary market ,
sterssed assets , creation of a loan contract registry to remove information
asymmetries between buyers and sellers.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman announced
ad additional income tax exemption of 1.5 lakh for
purchaser of electric vehicle in budget 2019-20, GST rate on these
vehicle is 5%, India has started taken tiny steps. Requirement is Battery,
Center for Battery Engineering and Electric Vehicle at IIT Madras working on
for four years. Govt do everything that can- funding factories , funding
lithium cells, electric infrastructure, vehicle and subsiding user
Data released by National
Bureau of Statics that economy grew by 6.2% in II qtr its lowest in 27 yrs. Due
to slump in export, china’s ongoing trade war with US and downturn witness by
Sectors such as housing construction. Worst may not yet be cover for china and
economic growth could further worsen, china relient on export and trade war
with US shows no signal of coming to an end. Chinese govt tried to grow economy
through a- tax cut, b- Increase public spending, c- encourage bank for
lending for domestic demand for its good
– China
‘s Economy
Asian Development Bank lowered India’s GDP
growth forecast to 7 % for the current year on the back of fiscal shortfall
concerns. (About ADB- HQ- Manila,
India’s vision 5 trillion economy a sky
vision without agriculture , insufficiant investment in the agriculture over
past 30 yrs resulted – low productivity , stagnant production.
SEBI needs financial autonomy to remain
effective as the chief market regulator, center’s decision to clip the wings of
the SEBI , as a part of the Financial bill introduced in parliament , the
centre had proposed amendments to the Securities and Exchange board of India
Act , 1992 that were seen as affecting SEBI’s financial autonomy., amendment
required that after 25% of its surplus cash in any year is transferred to its
reserve fund , SEBI will have to transfer the remaining 75% to the govt.
amendmet to SEBI act seems to be clearly motivated by the desire to increase
control over the regulator rather than by financial consideration. Require SEBI
to seek approval from the govt to go ahead with its capital expenditures plan.
Lack of financial autonomy can effect SEBI’s plan to improve the quality of its
operation by investing In new tech & other equipment to upgrade market
infracture.RBI and National Sample Survey Office have come under pressure in
recent month., worries about independent agencies being subordinate by the govt.
Centralization of power will be risky
India’s share in global Textile Exports is 6%
in 2017. Share of top three textile exporting countries in global textile
exports is China (33.6%), USA (6.3%) and India (6%). Textile sector export
contributon in India’s total exports is 12.2% in 2018-19.
Govt panel headed by Senior bureaucrat Subash
Chandra Garg calling complete ban on
private cryptocurrencies in India. Recommended a fine of up to 25 crore and
jail term of up to 10 years if found owning or handling private
crytocurrencies. Alternative to private
the panel recommended the introduction of a single cryptocurrency for
the whole country that is backed by the Rserve Bank Of India(*RBI) Point
Against- risk done by investor , not the govt, banning the consumption of
good or service doesn’t mean that people will stop consume it. Fever although risk is taken by inverstor but wealth
losing chance by nation. Think if 2 lakh of any investor lose in
unregulated currency definitely it harms the interest of nation.
Reserve Bank Of India has relaxed external
commercial borrowing norms for corporates, non banking lenders as a move
towards easig Liquidity., liberalisation will be applicable to ECBs taken for
working capital general corporate purpose loans or repyment of rupee loans.
External commercial Borrowing is an instrument used in India to faciliate
Indian companies to raise money outside country in foreign currency. ECBs
availed of by resident are governed by the forign exchange management Act 1999
along with th eforeign exchangement (borrowing or lending in foreign exchange )
regulation 2000.
Govt Opf India launched Atal Community Innovation Centre in New Delhi to encourage
the sprit of innovation at the community level. Initiative has been launched
under the Atal Innovation Mission a flagship initiative of NITI aayog. Purpose-
to make innovation ecosystem socialy inclusive as well as to ensure equitable
distribution of insrastructure for innovation across country.
IMF’s Annual Observation Report of the
Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) . India failed to comply , a
practice mandatory for all IMF members. IMF launche SDDS in 1996 to guiode
members to enhance data transparency and help financial market participation
with adequate information to access economic situation of individual
countries. Report lists Three types of
deviations- The First Deals with delays in data dissemination, Second – member
country do not list a data category in their advance release calenders despite the category being mandated by the
SDS.THIRD- ehrn data is not desseminated
at all for a particular period.
Mars Solar Conjuction- mars and Earth will be
on Opposite side of the Sun solar conjuction occuers every two years.
To boost Economy Finance Minister Nirmala
Sitharaman announced a number of measures- (1) Withdrawn of Controversial
surcharge on Foreign Portfolio Investers. (2) Violation of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) rules will not be treated as criminal offences. (3) Govt
decided to front load the Rupee 70,000 crore of capital infusion in public
sector Banks. (4) Additional rupee 20,000 crore of liquidity to the housing
finance companies.
India jumps 14 places on world Banks’s Ease
of doing Business ranking. Now at 63 position from last 77. No.-1 New Zealand
2- Singapore, 3- Hong Kong, China
-31, Russia-23, Brazil- 124. Indiacator for Ease of Doing Business – Starting Business, Construction Permits, Getting electricity,
Registering Property, Getting Credit , Protecting minority interests, Paying
taxes, trade , Enforcing contracts, Resolving insolvency. From 142 in
2014 to 63 in 2020 a significant upward journey. Latest improvement has come on
the back of implementation of the Insolvancy and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). India’s rank has improved from 108 to 52 in
the resolving insolvancy” Country’s ranking in the “ Trading across borders”
category jumped 12 places from 80 to 68 signifying the abatement of paperwork
in favour of electronic filing of documents. Dealing with construction permits
– ranking has improvd by 25 places from 52 to 27.
Calling for more “openess to reform andf
specific reform such as more local courts, settng up a fast track commercial
dispute resolution mechanism, land data digitisation and contract enforcement
protections. World Bank President David Malpass says India must focus o
Structural improvementto improve its growth rate.
Govt of India has accorded ‘Maharatna’ status
to public sector undertaking’s (PSU’s) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation and
Power Grid Corporation.
Maharatna CPSEs-
1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
2. Bharat Petrolium Corporation Limited
3. Coal India Limited
4. GAIL ( India) Limited
5. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
6. Indian Oil Corporation Limited
7. NTPC Limited
8. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited
9. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
10. Steel Authority of India Limited
Navratna CPSEs
1. Bharat Electronics Limited
2. Container Corporation of India Limited
3. Engineers India Limited
4. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
5. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
6. National Aluminium Company Limited
7. NBCC (India) Limited
8. NMDC Limited
9. NLC India Limited
10. Power Finance Corporation Limited
11. Oil Iondia Limited
12. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
13. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
14. Shipping Corporation of India Limited
The CPSEs fullfilling the following creteria are eligible to be considered for grant of Maharatna Status-
1. Should be already a Navratna Company
2. Should have annual turnover of more than Rs 25000 crore during last 3 yrs
3. Average annual net profit after tax should be more than Rs 5000 crore during last 3 yrs.
4. Should listed on Indian stock exchange with minimum prescribed public shareholding under SEBI regulation.
5. Should have average annual net worth of more than rs 15000 crore during last 3 yrs.
6. Should have signuificant presence globally.
Fugitive Economic OffendersAct (FEOA) became
a law on Jul 31,2018. It defined offender as an individual who has committed
offences involving an amount of 100 crore ruppees or more and has run away from
India to avoid criminal proscution.
Twin Trouble-Low Groeth , high inflation –
(root cause of crisis), Economic data showing that India stepping even closer
to stagflation (persistence high inflation combined with high unemployment and
stagnan demand ), Index of IndustrialProduction (IIP) contracted 3.8% in Oct ,
comparing 8.4% during same month last year.Retail inflation jumped to 40 month
high of 5.5% in Nov(Food prices)
15th Finance Commission- NK
Singh(Chairman), Arvind Mehta(Secretary), Members(Shashikant Das, Anoop Singh,
Ramesh Chand, Ashok Lahiri)- Devolution Formula spells out how the centre plans
to share the taxes collected by it with the states, govt either accept or
reject the suggections. Finance Commission was constituted by President of India
under Article 280 of the Constitution on 27th Nov 17to make
recommendation for the period of five years from 01st Apr 20 to 31
Mar 25. Necessitated after Article 370 amended.Last time interim report was
submitted during the term of 11th Finance Commission (2000-05), when
the new states of Jharkhand , Uttarakhand and Chatishgarh were created.
The United Nations development Programme
(UNDP) released the 2019 Human Development Report (HDR) entitled “Beyond income
, Beyond average, Beyond today: inequalities in humandevelopment in the 21st
century. India ranks 129 out of 189 countries from 130th position
last year.In the Gender InEquality Index(GII) India is at 122 out of 162
Countries. Neighbourers China (39), Sri lanka(86), Bhutan(99), Myanmar(106),
were placed above India.
Economis IAS Current Materials GS III 2020
Reviewed by Knowledge-Source
January 11, 2020
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