Social Justice IAS Current Material GS II
1. SC
decision on refugee status must be welcomed, India not signatory of UN
convention on status of refugee 1951, but after independence we accept it on
humanitarian principle, positive ruling
needed from SC for prevent their forcible deportation.
2. One Nation One Card: For ration Card , getting access to
public distribution system across the nation from any PDS shop of their choice. This will provide freedom of the beneficiaries , not to tied to any shop
and reduce their dependence on shop owners and curtails instance of corruption
. Integrated management of PDS already operated in AP, Guj, HR , JH, KR,
MH, RJ, TL, Tripura, beneficiary can avail his share of from any dist.
3. Consolidated
code on labour laws: Union cabinet has cleared the Occupational, safety, Health
and Working Condition code , a week after it approves the code on wages bill,
more workers under the preview of minimum wages and propose a statutory
national minimum wage for different geographic region, to ensure states will
not fix minimum wages below those set by
the center. This include- Regular and mandatory medical
examination for workers, issuing of appointment letters, framing of rules on
women working night shifts.Other code awaiting cabinet approval: Code on
industrial relation, social security(Link point 9 )
4. Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan(KUSUM),aim
to provide energy sufficiency and sustainable irrigation access to farmers. , till today 30 million
farmers especially marginal landlords use expensive diseal for thir irrigation
, no access to electricity. Half of
India’s net sown area remains unirrigated. (Scheme under approval) proposals are – indtallation of grid
connected solar powere plants each of capacity up to 3 MW in rural area,
Installation of standlone off grid solar water pumps to fulfil irrigation needs
of farmer not connected to grid, solarisation of existing grid connected
agriculture pumps to make farmers independent of grid supply and also enable
them to sell surplus solar power generated to DISCOM and get extra income.
5. HRD
launched the UGC scheme of Paramarsh. Scheme for Mentoring National
Accreditation and assesment council (NAAC) accreditation Aspirant Institution
to promote Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
6. Rashtriya
Aajeevika Mission – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelyhood
Mission (DAY-NRLM) of Ministry of Rural Development. Sub sheme under it- 1)
Rural Self Employment Training Institute ( RSETIs) enable a trainee to take
bank credit and start his/her own micro-enterprise, 2) Start up Village
Entrepreneurship programme(SVEP) for facilitating the rural poor for setting up
micro enterprises.
7. Forest
Rights Act(FRA) is a piece of social legislation which aims to address the
historical injustice that our forest dwelling communities have had to face for
nearly 150 years by providing them with security of tenure over land for
cultivation and habitation through individual rights. Also provides access to a variety of
resources through more than a dozen types of community forest rights. It empowers forest dwelling communities to
protect, regenerate, conserve and manage any community forest resource. Legal Challenges- FRA was challenged in
SC in 2008 by about half a dozen conservation organizations.
8. Deputy
commissionar M deepa formally launched the rural development and panchayat raj
department’s Varsha Dhare cloud seeding project at Hubballi International
Airport. The three month long project is aimed augmenting rainfall in north
9. (Link
point 3 )Govt fails to support labour standards is the ministry of labour’s
proposal to fix the national minimum floor wage at Rupee 178 without any
defined criteria or method of estimation. Rightly called starvation wage
espacilly given that the ministry’s own committee recommmened rupee 375 as the
minimum. Another issue is that th e four
codes excluded over 95% of the workforce employed in informl units and small
enterprises , no clarity on who constitutes an employer an employee or an
eterprise giving the owner greatet discretion to interpret the provision while
making it more difficult for the workers
to draw any benefit from them.Most—Code
on industrials relation too is replete (bhara huaa) with restriction on-
Forming opr registering unions , Calling a strikes ( which would entails prior
permissions and notices) and seeking legal redressal for workers.
HM Amit Shah launched the Shram Yogi Prasad
Scheme. Under this Scheme industrial and construction workers will get
nutritious breakfast and meals at subsidized rates at their workplace on a
regular basis.
(Connect With Point 2) One Nation One
Ration Card- India runs the world’s largest
food security programme, distrubuting more than 600 lakh tonnes of subsidised
food grain to mare than 81 crare beneficiaries every year. This is done through
a vast network of mare than five lakh ration or fair price shops. Under the
National Food Security Act(NFSA), each beneficiary is eligible for five kg of
subsidised grains per month at tha rate of rupee 3 Kg for rice, Rupee 2 Kg for
wheat and Rupee 1 Kg of Coarse cereals.
Union minister for Panchayati Raj shri
Narendra Singh Tomar, Launched a spatial planning application called ‘Gram
Manchitra’ which is a Geo Spatial based decision support system for the
panchyats. Panchayats can utilize this
app to plan, develop and monitor development activities on real time basis.
Jan Soochana Portal (JSP) launched by the government of Rajasthan, a remarkable
achievement in furtherance of the right to information (RTI) – especially
section 4 of the RTI Act – that deals with proactive disclouser of
information. Transparency accompanied by
accountability , several access points – every activity of goovt such as-
Availability of food grains and ration shops and their distribution,
Implementation of various shaeme and their beneficiaries and a varity of other
information are available in a real time basis.
Statical; Office (NSO), Ministryy of Statics and Programme Implementation has
conduicted a survey on Drinking water, Sanitation, Hygiene and housing
condition as a Part of 76th round of National Sample Survey(NSS).
Majopr source of drinking water was hand pump in rural area (42.9%) and piped
water in dwelling in urben area(40.9%).
ot Bathroom
flush to septic tank type latrin
and Latrin within permises
Electricity for domestic use
for cooking
Ministry of Statics and programme Implementation has conducted a survey of
persons with Disability during July 2018 to Dec 2018 as a part of 76th
round of National Sample Survey.
of persons with disabiolity in the
Niti Aayog planning to include protein rich
food items in PDS like fish, chiken and eggs in upcoming 15 years vision
documents to be published in 2020. It will a bid to help improve the country’s
nutrition ranking.Concern- India’s ranking are low when it comes to
nutritionand hunger alleviation.India constitutes ¼ of global hunger subsidy bill for FY20 has bee pegged at RS 1.8 lkh crore as
compared to revised estimate of RS 1.7 crore during FY19.
Social Justice IAS Current Material GS II
Reviewed by Knowledge-Source
January 10, 2020
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