Polity IAS Current Material GS II
1. New
Ministry- JAL SHAKTI, by merger of ministries of
water resources, river development & ganga rejuvenation along with Drinking
water and sanitation. Water management under one department
2. Electoral
Reform: initiated by Trinamool Congress MP for makes election FREER, FAIRER , and
More representative. Touched six major themes-
1) Appointment system of EC and Chief EC : Collegium system, 2) Money
Power : state funding , Crowd funding , Banning of Corporate donation, 3)
Electronic voting machine (evms), postal ballots , VVPAT 4) The idea of
simultaneous election; Internal democracy within political parties 5) The role
of social Media (Which he called “ Cheat India platform”) 6) The use of govt
data and surrogate advertisement to target certain section of voters. Solution
to this problem is very important for National Interest .
3. 103
amendment of the constitute of India act 2019, introduced 10% reservation for economically
weaker section of society for admission
to central govt run educational institute and private educational institute
(except for minority educational institute ) & for employment in govt jobs.
Will sought to amend article 15 and 16 of the consituate.Bill assent from
president on 12 Jan19 and came in affect 14 Jan , Gujarat becoming the first
State to implement.
4. (Security
also) Lok Sabha passed the National Investigation
agency (Amendment bill ) 2019, strengthen the National Investigation
Agency to speed up trials in terrorism related cases. By designated special
courts , cases would be expedited and transfers or delay in appointment of
judges would not delay them. Agency will be able to investigate terrorist acts
against Indian embassies and assets abroad and take up cases of arms, and women
trafficking apart from cyber terrorism. NIA was introduced in the absence of
POTA to wipe out terrorism from country. (Point
No 9 also)
5. National
Medical Commission (NMC ) Bill presented in parliament in 2017, proposed to
replace the medical council Act , 1956 but lapsed with dissolution of LS. NMC
will have authority over medical education – approvals for college , admission
, tests and fee fixation.
6. Trumps
statement about mediation on Jammu & Kashmir is contavarsial, and protocol
braking bcoz it should not be in public if talks go through peace keeping
mission in any region if realy exist, another issue that India always opposed
any suggestion of third party mediation on J&K , both the 1972 Shimla
agreement & 1999 lahore declaration
commitment to resolve issue between them. Another issue about Hafis
sahid arrest , Trumps jockey mizaaz may be it.
7. RTI
amendment act : two most controversial provision of the bill are- stipulation
that the terms of the office of the CIC will be determined by the central govt
as against the existing provision which guarntees a fixed term of five years or
upto an age of 65 years, proposal that their salaries , allowance and other
terms and condition of service will be determined by the central govt….. CIC’s
autonomy. SC has termed the CIC and SIC’s as guardian of the Act and directed
that CIC and IC’s shall be appointed on the same terms and conditions as
applicable to the CEC/EC’s , greater responsibility upon those who take upon
the responsibility to inform. Diluting their power mean make them weaker in
front of political power , and interferance of work . * govt should focus on
the real challange faced by these institutes asuch as … 1) pendency of application
2) vacancies 3) qualitetive decline in adjudication standards . govt push them
towards pendency of work if CIC will not work according govt then dismissal of
CIC assured and this will go further till the time govt work is not done ,
wrone or right who assertain.
8. 11
Jul World population day, Union minister expressed in a tweet over that
population explosion and wanting all political parties to enact popuilation
control laws and annulling the voting rights to those having more than two
children. Yoga guru wanted the govt to enact a law where “ the third child
should not be allowed to vote and enjoy facilities provided by the govt. NO
weight on both statement _- where govt want to more share of people in election
via voting where democracy empower itself if more people take part in voting.
And you are giving simple step out reason from voting , where a govt (Gujrat govt ) once pass an act for
compulsory voting it is again against that, without any tough decision it is a
ridicules talk. Second about curtails
third child right , on what basis govt can cut his right in a democratic state
where fundamental right exist . and what was the child’s fault that his parents
gave him birth.
9. NIA
and Unlawful Activities (Prevention ) Act 1967 amendment – Designating an
individual as a terrorist , may appear innocuous(ahanikarak) , but should not
misuse, why this required- it is prevalent in
several countries, seen as being necessary because banned groups tends to
change their names and continue to operate. But individual should be convicted
a terrorist after court of law.
Individuals may be- subjected to arrest and dentention ,even after
obtaining bail from the court, travel and movement restricted, my concern- should not get bail , case should be on fast track. A wronge designation will cause irreparable
damage – reputation , career and livelihood. Provision to empower the head of
the NIA to approve the Forfeiture (jabti) of property of thoser involved in
terrorism cases obeviously orrides a function of the state govt – at present
the approval has to be given by the state police head.(damage of federal structure,
but many regional govt can misuse it for regional politics) . NIA inspectors
can investigate terrorism cases as a against DSP or Assistant Commissioner-
Scope of misuse. Fake Indian Currency Notes circulation in country. Terror
Funding and Fake Currency (TFFC) cell has been constituted in NIA to conduct
focused investigation of terror funding and fake currency cases.FICN
coordination Group (FCORD) has been formed by the Ministry of home Affarirs. A
MoU has been signed between India and Bangladesh to prevent and Counter
smnuggling and circulatiion of fake currency notes. (Point No 4 also)
10. Surrogacy (Regulation ) bill- for intent of
facillitating ALTRUSTIC SURROGACY (For
love) in the country. Surrogate mother has to be a close relative of the
intending couple for end to rampant commercialisation of the practice. Bill
specifies that the intendeding couples should be married Indian couples. No
No payment is to made to surrogateas reward for carrying the pregnancy.criminalise
commercial surrogacy,ssited reproductive technology are medicle procedure used
priomarily to address infertility. It includes procedure such as in vitro
fertilization. IVF procedure earlier used to cost less than Ruppee 1 lakh , it
now cost 4 lakh – 5 lakh. So the ART bill should be tabd before the surrogacy
11. Quotas
can ensure more MP’s, Global Gender Gap report for 2018 said widest gender
disparity is in the field of political empowerment. Inter
parliamentary Union 2018 report , women legislators account for barely 24 %
of all MP’s across the world. Rwanda a landlock nation tops the list with 61.3% seats in the lower house and
38.5% in the upper house occupied by women.Cuba
Takes Second with 53.2% seats of its single house . both countrie are not
so developed but represent women equally says ….India at 149 among the 192
countries in the IPU list. Barely 11.8% in 16th LS which
improved to 14.5% to current 17 LS.(Point No 15 Link)
12. Protection
of Human Rights- Amendment bill 2019 ,judge of SC is also made eligible to be
appointed as chairperson of the Commission, increase the members from 2 to 3
and one shall be woman, include chairperson of the National Commission for
Backward classes, chairperson of the National commission for protection of
child rights and the chief commissioner for person with disabilities as deemed
members of the commission . reduce the term of
chairperson and member from 5 to 3 and eligible for re-appointment.
13. Anti
defection Law- first introduced in 1985 through the 52 nd amendment to the
constitution when the Rajiv Gandhi led Congress govt was in power. How MP/MLA
disqualified- 1) Independent if they join a party, 2) gives up membership of
his/her political party voluntarily, 3) votes / abstain from voting contrary to
party’s direction, 4) Nominated if they join a party after 6 months of
nomination. Expection- if elected as
speaker /chairman one could resign from the party and rejoin if the office is
demitted later, 2) if parent party merged into another with 2/3rds of the
members voting in favour of the merger.
Points of debate - a member may be
unable to express his actual beliefs which are in contravention of the party
line- should the law be valid for all votes or only for confidence motions? 2)
does it not impinge on right of free speech of legislator – SC has held
that the law does not violet any right / freedom. 3) The presinding officer
could take a partisan decision using the law- however , the finality of
presiding officer’s decision has been upheld by the SC. Some recommendation related to ADL by some important commission
Voluntarily giving up membership
Voting deviation from party’s direction
only in case of confidence motion
Dinesh Goswami Committee on electrol
reforms(Restrict the law only to the cases of )
Parties should issue whip only when
govt was in danger
Defectors should be barred from any
ministerial/remunerative position for remaining term of the house
Venkatachaliah Commission
Decision under the law should be made by
the president/governor on the advice of EC (instead of presiding officer)
Law Commission 170th report
14. Women’s reservation bill or constitution (108th)
amendment bill to set aside one third of seats in parliament and state assemblies
for women pas passed in the Rajya sabha in march 2010. Bill couldn’t overcome
odds and opposition in the lok shabha and went into cold storage. BJP a
majority party should rush this bill again, mere “beti bachao beti padao “ will
sound a political slogan , till now political parties don’t speak out against
gender prejudice.
15. (Also
Women) Other states should learn from Odisha in woman empowerment politically
and financialy. Attention given to gender specific policy and planning. Odisha
was among the first to reserve 50% of seats in Panchayati Raj institute for
womens. .(Point No 11 Link) Odisha’s BJD govt
organising women into self help group in order to empower them economicaly
under “ Mission Shakti” programme.
16. (Also
Woman) Both houses pf parliament have
passed a bill making instant triple talaq a criminal offence , admits
persistent doubt whether it ought to be treated as a crime or just a civil
case. Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2019, a dilute
version of the bill as it was originally conceived. Offence is cognisable only
if the affected wife, or one related to her by blood or marriage , files a
police complaint. Man arrested may get bail , after the magistrate grants a
hearing to the wife. Offence is compoundable if parties may arrive at a
compromise. Supreme courts’s 2017 verdict declaring instant triple talaq
illigal. Provide redress for woman in
the form of a – subsistence allowance and custody of children. And getting raring
(papi) husband arrested. Question _ if
triple talaq is void , then how the que of children’s custody and subsistence
allowance arise while the marriage subsists , not clear. How a man can provide
a subsistence allowance while he is imprisoned. Gender justice
17. Change
in Motor Vehicle Act 1988, previous vehicle act unable to meet the needs of a
large economy… that is witnessing..- Rising travel demand, fast paced
motorization , major shift in technology and deteriorating road safety. In new
act , forming a National Transportation Policy and a National Road Challenges,
providing for stiffer penalties for violation of rules , and orderly operation
of new generation mobility service that use mobile phone applications..
18. The
Supreme Court (Number of Judges ) act , 1956 was last amended in 2009 to
increase th e judges’ strength from 25 to 30 excluding CJI.There has been also
talk about the number of vacancies in the high courts. But you will have seen
that in 2016, the NDA government increased the total sactioned strength of 906 judge by 173 to bring it to 1079.
19. Union
Ministry of road Transport has issued a draft notification allowing motor
vehicles and their parts to be affixed with microdots. Motor vehicles and their
parts to be affixed with permanent and nearly invisible microdots. It gives a
unique idintification. These nearly invisible microdots can only be read
physically with a micro scope and idendification with ultra violet light
source. Technology will help check theft of vehicle and also use of fake spare
Transfer of Chiefd Justice Vijaya K
Tahilramani from Madras High Court to
Meghalaya is shocking. Because she had presided over a court of 75 Judges and
administrated a subordinate Judiciary in 32 district in addition to the Union
Territory of Puducherry. In contrast the Meghalaya High Court has only three
Judges and subordinate judiciary in just seven district.
Fiscal Federalism
tension- the GST by the centre into the territory of taxation powers of state ,
it is now arming itself to elbow the state out entirely of its fiscal powers. ,
80% of govt revenues come from taxes primarly from income tax(direct tax) and
sale taxs( indirect) , state govt in India do not have powers to levy income
taxes. With GST , states lost their sole powers to levy indirect taxes. A democratically elected state govt in India
can neither levy income tax nor sales tax. The centre keeps 52% of the total
tax revenue pool and distributes 48% to all the states and union Territories.
In lasrge federal democracies such as the US , State govt and even local govt
have the right to levy income taxes.
As per Natiobnal
Crime Record Bureau report which published on 21 Oct 2019, there were 3,59,849
cases of crime against women reported in the country. UP top in listwith
56,011, Maharastra with 31,979 and west Bengal 30,002. Majorty of cases under
crimes against women were registered under ; Cruelty by Husband or his
relatives;(27.9%) followed by ‘ assault
on woen intent to outrage her Modesty (21.7%) kidnapping & abducting of
Women (20.5%) and Rape (7.0%) the report said. ** total number of crimes
committed against women country –wide increased by 6% since 2016, against Sc
went up 13%. A total of 63,349 children (20,555 male , 42691 female and 103
transgender ) were reported missing in 2017.
i) New subheads reportedly included data on hate crimes –
Mob lynching, Killing oredred by khap Panchayats, Murders by influential
people, Besides “ anti national elements”
Center has power to
deport foreign national staying illegally in
the country under section 3(2) (C) of the foreigners act 1946- State
govt also been entrusted under Article 258(1) of the constitution to take
similar steps.
Polity IAS Current Material GS II
Reviewed by Knowledge-Source
January 10, 2020
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